Ego (leading + creative)

Author: Aushra Augusta

Symbols for IMEs
Half-phase numbering

The Ego block is socially demonstrative and autonomous, i.e. fully independent and creative. It is the individual’s creative self-realization, a means of consciously influencing the external world.

The Ego block demands the level of recognition which is adequate to its own self-evaluation. It is the block of in-depth study of one of the external world’s aspects, and complete identification with the chosen objects or relations within this aspect. The block of the most intellectual feelings and sensations.

The Characteristic of IEE

The Ego block is … not normative. Under different conditions different conclusions get drawn from the same facts. This is because the Ego … can shuffle the facts, selecting the ones it needs. It can take some facts or objects into account while disregarding others. The Ego has a permanent goal. It does not care about complete objectivity, it cares about achieving its goal in any way that the individual considers honest and fair enough. […]

The individual’s creative intelligence is in their Ego block. But the problem this creative intelligence deals with is borne on the Superego. […]

One could suspect the Ego of subjectivity or egocentrism if it was free. But it is not free, it is conditioned by the problems introduced on the Superego. The Ego serves the Superego.

The Characteristic of IEE

The Ego block is a kinetic block, and in its realization the individual is bold and fearless. They always know and are certain that they can find a solution, and they even like difficult situations. The individual achieves a lot on their Ego because this is where their conscious will is realized.

The Characteristic of SLI

Leading (3/1)

The [leading] function is the one the individual is most consciously aware of. The element that fulfils this function occupies a special place in the psyche. It is used creatively, and its usage is always accompanied by a noticeable sense of satisfaction. Everything related to the functioning of this element is controlled by the consciousness. If I took a specific action, arrived at a particular conclusion, or had a certain thought, it means that there was a good reason for it, that behaving differently in this situation would be wrong, unjustified, groundless. People are never shy about anything caused by their [leading], reproductive function. In this area the individual can still argue, agree with others, or make concessions, but they never feel uncomfortable, constrained or humiliated. The [leading] function is self-sufficient and creative, it does not depend on other people’s pressuring. It is always open to any new objective arguments, but never makes concessions solely based on others’ desires or perceptions. It tends to give directives and take a leadership role, and is not at all inclined to accept unconvincing or unclear instructions. It is similar to this expression: “I either teach, or learn myself”. At the same time, if others’ perception of something related to the individual’s [leading] function is different or incorrect, the individual may find it surprising or even funny, but it does not cause anger or outrage. Freedom of thought and action is recognized for everyone.

Theory of Intertype Relations

Setting oneself, one’s own knowledge and will, in opposition to the knowledge and will of others. Outlining socially important individual goals, trying to turn them into a program for others.

3/1 is the will of the individual themself, to which they subjugate or try to subjugate others.

The Characteristic of SLI

This subjugation of other people to the intelligence of one’s first ego phase – 3/1 – is inherent in every type of IM. But, when the ones doing it are the types we “need” and are close to (e.g. representatives of our own quadra), it seems not only beautiful but even sublime. And when it is done by the types with whom we are in a conflict relation, or other negative relation, at the very least it seem strange, or even suspicious, “impure”.

The Characteristic of ESI

The first element of the Ego is absolutely certain in its perception of the world and itself. It is the part of the individual’s self which they contrapose to the corresponding aspect of the external world with perfect ease and confidence. Thanks to this part the individual feels like a whole that contraposes itself to the external wholeness. This element provides a feeling of being comparable in strength and insight, it gives one a right to “challenge” the whole Cosmos. Because in reality only the whole mechanism of IM makes one fully commensurable with the world and allows them to physically contradistinguish themself.

In the mechanism of IM the skill of the reproductive* element of the Ego is brought to perfection. This element reflects and sees absolutely everything that is possible to see at this particular level of the individual’s abilities, education, experience, and differentiation of perception. What it does not see is impossible to see under its given conditions, which means it is also impossible for the individual to do.

* In Socion Augusta stated that accepting elements “reflect, photograph, and reproduce reality”, which is probably why the first element of the Ego is called “reproductive” here. Hereinafter the asterisks (*) indicate the translator’s notes.

One never worries about the information provided by the accepting element of the Ego. This information is objective and the individual shares it automatically, often even annoying others and not understanding the cause of their annoyance.

The Characteristic of IEE

Creative (4/1)

[This] function is more creative, less balanced, more interested in prestige, more prone to working “for the audience”. People are never shy about it [similarly to the leading function], but there is a noticeable tendency to “show off”, to “shine”, to use it as a universal tool. Quite often the creative function is even somewhat speculative or coquettish*. There is a desire to attract attention, to show one’s strength and abilities, to surprise and amaze. This seems to be linked to the fact that, while the [leading] function is utilized to connect with the objective world, the [creative] function is intended to create something new for one’s own and others’ benefit, something that is meant to attract, amaze and bring joy. These creations are the individual’s conclusions, decisions and artistic works, and they require a positive evaluation.

* In this context “being coquettish” means something like “acting playfully in order to attract others’ attention and favor”.

In this area we see a striving for pronounced independence. We see stubbornness, intransigence, and less acceptance of alternative viewpoints* than the [leading] function shows. There is less humor in relation to the “opponents” (those who have different views and are acting in “incorrect” ways), and more of a tendency to challenge them. Evaluations such as “good – bad”, “intelligent – stupid”, “honest – dishonest”, “beautiful – ugly” are all labels that are selected based on the content or specialization of the evaluating individual’s [creative] function. Interestingly, each individual usually evaluates one, and only one, of other people’s qualities**.

* “Less acceptance of alternative viewpoints” – lit. “higher categoricalness” (“категоричность”). The Russian word “категоричность” is defined as “decisiveness, confidence (in a statement, wording, judgment, etc.), not allowing objections, other interpretations”.
** Probably meaning that there is only one primary quality by which people tend to evaluate others, and what exactly this quality is is conditioned by the creative.

Theory of Intertype Relations

A means to achieve goals by influencing the mentality of others.

The Characteristic of SLI

…when other people react negatively to the reasoning related to the producing element [of the Ego block], even if they merely dismiss it … in the individual’s eyes it becomes an unpleasant reproach for interfering with their advice despite not being wanted or needed. The result is something like a click on the nose – not very painful, but a good lesson that is remembered well. People try to avoid ending up in this kind of situation again. I think people’s jokes mostly relate to this element, which may be to realize it in communication at least in some way.

The Characteristic of IEE

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