Static / Dynamic

Author: Aushra Augusta
From Theory of Reinin Dichotomies

Symbols for IMEs

Static types: ILE, LII, SLE, LSI, SEE, ESI, IEE, EII

Dynamic types: ESE, SEI, EIE, IEI, LIE, ILI, LSE, SLI

For a static type the blocks of the mental ring are formed from static phases*, and for a dynamic type they are formed from dynamic phases.

* Translator’s note: the term “phases” was explained in Augusta’s work Socion.

Statics and dynamics are two ways of selecting the information one receives. The mental ring of a static type is oriented to the object’s form and inner content, to needs (desires). On the other hand, the mental ring of a dynamic type is oriented to what is happening to the object and within the object, and to the object’s situation in time and space.

Thinking of a static type is characterized by mentally stopping all movement. On the contrary, thinking of a dynamic type is only activated after one manages to imagine a static object as moving.

As we said before, for a static type only mental blocks are static, vital ones are dynamic. For this reason a static type thinks and talks only about the static aspects of the external world, but their vital ring is dynamic, so they are usually more mobile than a dynamic type. It is a kind of double life: the individual thinks about the static external world, and at the same time tries to adapt to it through greater external and internal activity.

On the contrary, a dynamic type thinks and talks about the world of dynamics, but through their vital ring they tend to remain in a static, low-mobility life. Their own activity is cautious, “wait-and-see”, they only act when they are certain that no one else can do it: either there is no one to delegate the matter to, or no one can be trusted with it, or no one is up for the task. But a dynamic type talks a lot about what exactly should or should not be done. The goal is to mentally activate, program other people.

Everyone is quick to give advice, correct, control and supervise others through their mental ring. This is this ring’s function, while the function of the vital ring is to act.

The movements of dynamic types are always more or less thought out, and this consideration is based on how socially relevant and appropriate these movements are. For this reason they are more precise, distinct, sometimes sharp. They come from the mental ring, i.e. from the “mind” rather than one’s own body. The movements of static types are impulsive, smooth, natural and conditioned by immediate external circumstances and commands. These movements are lacking in deliberation and consideration of other people’s actions and emotions.

Goals and methods

The individual’s life goals are in their static ring, while the methods and ways of achieving them are in the dynamic ring. This is why static types always have all kinds of goals, their problem is with the methods. The opposite is true for dynamic types. It is no wonder that Genrikh Altshuller, a theorist in the realm of invention who is known all over the USSR, belongs to the (LSE) type.

Learning about the external world

Thanks to their mental ring every static type more or less objectively knows what people want or do not want (); what they need (); their latent potential capabilites, abilities, inner strength (); their apparent, present kinetic capabilites, willpower, abilitiy to become mobilized and mobilize others ().

Every dynamic type more or less objectively knows what enlivens people, what cools them down () and how to achieve it; why they act or refrain from acting, what they are capable of in their own activity and work () and how to make them work; what is pleasant or unpleasant for them (); what they consider timely or untimely ().

External programming is received by the vital ring, which is dynamic for a static type and static for a dynamic type. This is why, if e.g. there is a lack of something and it needs to be brought, you should tell a dynamic type about the object’s absence and that there is no one to go and get it. For example, that there is no water and no water carrier. A dynamic type will think that it needs to be brought on their own, this is why they are dynamic after all. If you just say “go and get it” to a dynamic type, they will definitely misunderstand something, and moreover, they might get offended or hurt by this request. A static type is the one who should be told to “go and get it”. But if you complain to a static type about not having water, they will just not understand you. They will not realize that this is actually a polite hint, because the vital ring needs direct instructions. Static and dynamic types both need it to be said “directly and clearly”, but in the same situation they perceive different things as “direct”.

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